Braided Polyethylene Twine

Braided Polyethylene Twine

  • Made from high-quality fiber
  • Our fiber is loaded with ultraviolet inhibitors and stabilizers to reduce damage caused by sunlight
  • When our twine is extruded (manufactured) the color is added to the resin which results in a rich, deep color that will not fade quickly
  • Braided Polyethylene is very abrasion resistant to reduce damage when rubbed or scraped against rocks, sand, etc.
  • Lightweight – will float in water
  • Will not rot
  • Very little elasticity or stretch
  • Not affected by most chemicals, fuels, grease, or marine growth
  • Polyethylene will stay tied into a knot much better than polypropylene
  • Ideal for use in fish and sport netting. Works well in applications that require a lightweight, low-stretch, very tough twine that will float.
Braided Polyethylene Twine
DiameterYieldTensile Strength
 Approx.FeetMeters  Per  
MillimetersInchesPer PoundKiloPoundsKilos
Above Yields and tensile strengths are for our standard construction
With different constructions we can adjust the tensile strength
and yield to meet your specifications